Minggu, 03 November 2013

Platina Parlour Bewitched: Slot 2 - Lelaki Buaya Tosca *plak*

Previous session with Shuu and prologue, here

SLOT 2: Lelaki Buaya Tosca :))

*sebenernya punya sih foto Sei solo, tp karena Jun-san dateng
ke meja kami ampe 3 kali, pasang poto mereka berdua ajah XD

Platina Parlour Bewitched: Slot 1 - Overly Sweet Mesin Gombal


*matiin capslock*
Ini lebi kayak tjurhat sih, bukan review .__.
But if you don't bother, go read it :D

Sebelumnya, ini sebenernya pertama kali gw ikut event Platina Parlour, tapi karena keseringan mampir ke page dan kepokepo review beberapa nona TERUTAMA CUTHA yang udah pernah masuk, jadinya gw KEPOOOO ASLINYA KEK APAAA XD Dan akhirnya di event Bewitched ini gw berhasil kebagian 2 slot bareng temen gw Tami.

*langsung dicoret dari daftar nona*

#OOTD: Dress dan stocking yang beli di onlineshop entah kapan tau
Makeup seadanya *beberapa malah beli di Guardian sebelah KK GI ==,
trus dollywink dll malah lupa dibawa*
Brightlele wig yang beli langsung dari Rakuten H-min berapa tau =.=
Handmade bird headband
Boots yang dibeli 80rb doang di FJB barang" preloved XDDD
*niatnya pengen jadi onee-gyaru gitu, tapi gagal gal gal gagal*

Waktu pemesanan slot, sebenernya rada nyantai... yang ga nyantai itu minta izin ke pacar buat berangkat XD Bangun jam 10 *literally not a nona*, mandi dandan-dandan makan trus ngampus jam 12 ke ATM dulu langsung booking XDD Tp syok banget ternyata dalam waktu 24 jam kurang slot udah abis... sasuga sekali o.o

Dan pas hari H, kacau badai deh, udah lumayan mau telat bangeeeeet berangkatnya secara dari Cinere, naik metromini pula (nonanya kere) tapi akhirnya naik taksi, biar sekalian bisa mekapan di taksi. Eh tau"nya taksinya malah nurunin kita di Kempinski =___= akhirnya jalan kaki dulu ke GI... *nonanya nyasar* dan kita berhasil reservasi ulang dan pilih butler secara acak 50an menit sebelum slot pertama kita mulai

Slot pertama: Shuu. TAT AAAAAAAAH BUKAN YUI mana shota type pula, tiap hari kan gw udah ngeshota
Slot kedua: Sei. TAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BUKAN YUI LAGIIIIII terus ini kan tipe misterius gw harus ngapaiiiin nantiiiiii

*sedih dulu*

Tapi posthink aja deh, niatnya have fun kan? :3 At least I'll still be able to see Yui from afar
Terus diri merasa tercegat oleh booth merchandise.. mana mamas"nya bakat banget dagang... naksir banget sama 'potopek'nya Purappa... isinya 5, random, cuman keliatan satu foto doang sebagai kaver~ 'Ayooo, nona mau foto siapa? Yui ya? yang kavernya Yui tinggal dikit lho...' =.=

Terus gw galo, akhirnya ambil yang kavernya Suju ramean... dan saat dicek ga ada foto sendirian Yui di dalemnyaaaaa TAT dan si mamang staff penjual merch bilang, 'Udah, ini beli yang jelas ajaa yang Yuinya ada di depan *sambil sodor beberapa potopek*'

*gondok dan akhirnya beli satu packs lagi... dompetchan T.T*

Lalu nungguin sesi, gw ke Guardian dulu sama beli minum di Burger King demi bisa duduk XD
Tapi pas udah ke KK lagi buat antre nunggu shift, gw liat Shuu keluar dan nyamperin anak kecil 2 orang, terus becanda sama mereka... gw bengong, sambil mikir 'Ah sesama bocah kali ya makanya akur' XDD

Then... the party began!

SLOT 1: Overly Sweet Mesin Gombal Maknae

*maknae: youngest (Korean)

I'm still alive!


Lama ga update blog ini, I'm still alive anw wkwk... Lately laziness eats me *digebok* tapi kadang" emang sibuk bener =.=

Gw belum lulus sampe blog ini ditulis, karena proyek gw sama dosen gw belom beres. November ini beres sih, udah dijanjiin sidang, yang penting proyek kelar dulu. Well gw sih ga masalah, yang penting gw lulus sebelum Januari... yaaa pengennya sih Desember udah lulus biar bisa daftar masuk S2 Januari ini. Wish me luck ya :3

Sama......... ah >_< Gw akhir" ini sibuk jualan ==; Maklum lah ya mahasiswa kere tapi maunya banyak :| Toko gw di instagram ga bisa dibilang rame bgt sih tapi seenggaknya hampir tiap hari selalu ada pengiriman <3 Cuman, yg bikin stress itu ngeladenin pembelinya. Pasar gw emang anak SD-SMP-SMA yg masi pada demen CJR sih jadi...... tau lah ya. And I'm no good with kids =.=

Sama....... apa ya.......................... :|

Ah currently I don't know what to write XDDD So, ciao. Live your life happily :3

Rabu, 04 September 2013

My J-rock and Visual Kei interest and the 3 bands/musician I love most!

*already bored I said 'Hello' so many times here?

The reason why I put 'The Vampire' as my name in this blog is I FREAKIN CANNOT SLEEP IN THE DEEP NIGHT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it's 2.03 AM here when I'm starting to write this journal...

And ne,
Since this blogspot is a 'new home' for me... and I'm not really into blogging for 3 last years (I'm starting to blog at 2006, FYI) (except you count tumblr as a blog)... I started by looking for any interesting blogs to be followed.

And one of my 'interesting' category is J-rock. No no it's not a Indonesian band who sang 'Ceria' but a genre; and visual kei. Then I started to follow this blog.

Once I followed it, my blogger dashboard was really filled by cute and pretty Japanese boys and whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... new names. Very new names. In my ears (or eyes) tbh :| Rasanya tuh 'Hah? Ini band apa? Itu band apa? Ini siapa?"
Yea, since multiply died and I don't know how to get instant J-rock and visual-kei info again... I just cling to my idols, my real idols and my eternal love *halah*. I'll tell you 3 of my J-rocks favorite... no, it's not that I'm just mentioning three... I just love that 3. Rests are just other eargasm things :)))

Selasa, 03 September 2013

My wigs from Taobao (review?)

Hello <3

I don't know I want to write something bout wigs again. I'm not gonna make a review... but since in my last post I compared that g*dd*mn*t fake pinkcoco one *stil angered* with Chinese wigs, and there's a looooooooot of kinds of Chinese wigs, let me cleared it.

The one I used is from:

I got tons of it (ho, it's exaggerating) and they never deceived me.

As example, I got this,

by buying this

100% same (differs by lighting)!!! OH yeah!!

For me, they're good quality Chinese wigs. If it converted to rupiahs, it's in 150-250k IDR, exclude shipping from China to Indonesia (and tax!!!) == Well, there's a lot of Chinese wigs that priced below 100k IDR and I'm not pleased at all too with them == Taobao is like eBay, so many sellers with so many quality range.

Another pic from Taobao wigs is this, my 'stepbrother' bought this via me...

*idk why he chose that pose ==* from this

Good thing is he got flirted by a BOY while wearing that wig at Gelar Jepang UI 2013 HAHHAHAHA *smacked*

One thing I hate from those 3 site is they're specialized for cosplays. Yeah those candy color... I wish I'm living in Shibuya so anyone won't give me any weird look if I wear wigs anywhere =____________= I'm sad... I was going into cosplay, anyway, but not again :))


So, I need to go to my campus now, see you ;)

Nova, still cheerful in her detoxification days.

Senin, 02 September 2013

Some glimpse of my 'work'...

Halo~ :3

Sebelumnya, gw udah posting kalo gw 'too lazy to be a beauty blogger' jadi, blog ini isinya lebih bakal ke daily life (lupakan itu blog 'waras' perdana yang isinya tumpahan kekesalan sama wig palsu, udah rambut palsu, palsu pula ==), unless it's private (will go to my LJ) and my tumblr for 'kyaaaa kyaaaaaaaaa ga penting thing'

Preview aja buat yang ngga mengenal gw di dunia nyata... Gw saat ini berstatus mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia (lengkaaap) tepatnya jurusan Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan. Yang ga tau silakan digoogle (yes I'm very lazy to explain it). Sejak semester 5 ke 6, gw entah kenapa suka banget sama kebakaran hutan... bukan masalah suka ada bakar"an, tapi pengen aja jadi ahli yang bisa mengurangi ato bahkan menghentikan kebakaran hutan di Indonesia ^^ Dan alhamdulillah terwujud, gw masuk laboratorium Kebakaran Hutan di jurusan gw,  bikin skripsi tentang itu, dan diajak ikut proyek kebakaran hutan juga sama dosen pembimbing ^^

Nova here, finally invasing Blogspot (since Multiply had already dead, Livejournal is full with my private stuffs, Tumblr is just for fangirling.... and I'm too lazy to be a beauty blogger in Wordpress. I enjoy my ugliness wwwwww)



*dunno what to say anymore*